Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cheech Wizard by Vaughn Frederic Bode

Cheech Wizard, created by Vaughn Bode, is hilarious and very entertaining. This underground comic has been very interesting to read. What a trip. Underground comics seriously have no boundaries to what content they are going to show. That's what's so awesome and creates interesting situations. It's an fun concept to play with too because you could illustrate and write about anything you would want to.

What drew me Cheech Wizard the most was the character itself. Cheech is a hat with legs who masquerades as a wizard. So far from what I've read he hasn't done that much magic or close to any at all, but it is still entertaining to read. The other characters in the comic are equally as intersting and unique, but Cheech is my favorite. My second, favorite would have to be his lizard apprentice, Razzberry. At first, I had no clue that he was a lizard, until many panels later.

I had to keep reading to find out what Cheech really looks like. It's a mystery. This mysticism of Cheech's identity adds interest to the comic because you don't find out! There is a point where I thought Bode was going to show us what he looks like, but instead it was just a blank panel. So mean. Not really, but I still like it a lot.

Nudity warning for people who would like to read this comic. I didn't mind it, I thought it was funny and adds to the quirky quality of Cheech Wizard. Really funny and a good read. Definitely would recommend this comic to anyone willing to read it. Ha ha.

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